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Deciding to Self Publish

self publishing if you give a girl a bike

Mark, my husband, was the reason why I ultimately decided to self-publish this book. He suggested the idea knowing that we both loved this book and that we wanted to get it into as many hands as possible. 

After extensive research and discussion with other authors, I decided to take the leap, and I am actually really happy about my decision. As you can see, Braden Hallett is doing an amazing job with the illustrations! Above are some progress shots of what is to come in the book.

Below, I've discussed the pros and cons of self publishing.

Pros of self-publishing:

  1. Choice over illustrator
  2. Control over the layout, look, and illustrations
  3. Faster publishing time
  4. Control over content of the book
  5. Control over marketing

Cons of Self-publishing:

  1. Marketing is all on YOU
  2. Laying out the book is all on YOU (or whoever you hire)
  3. Costs of marketing and publishing are on YOU
  4. Basically, you make all the decisions and you are in charge of everything, so there is a giant learning curve.

I decided that the pros outweighed the cons in this scenario, especially after I discovered that printing through Ingram Spark would allow for libraries, schools, and brick and mortar bookstores to include them in their catalogues. 

My main concern with self-publishing was that I would not be able to get my book into libraries and stores. Ingram Spark opened that door for me! I'm learning a lot on my self-publishing journey, and I'm excited to share more about what I've learned with you.

My next post will be all about how I found Braden Hallett and why I decided to go with him! I can't wait to share more about Braden. He is AMAZING. 


  • Thanks for being so transparent about your process. I just hired an illustrator and plan to self-publish a children’s book too. How long did the process take you, once you hired your illustrator?

    Monica Denniston
  • Hi Hayley,

    I enjoyed reading this article! I’m one of the lucky ones that have already seen and enjoyed your story. I wish you much success with this book! I also appreciate your openness to share your writing and publishing journey. Thanks!

    Ken Major

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